Hurricane Irma & Our Continuity Plan

Written By:
True Wealth Design
September 11, 2017
Just a few weeks ago, we mailed a letter to all True Wealth Design clients that included a personal update that my family and I would be in southwest Florida in late August. With Hurricane Irma, I received several emails asking if my family and I were safe. I’m happy to report that we were able to be in Ohio well in advance of the storm and are safe. Thank you for your care and concern.
Given the Hurricane Irma experience and as the owner of the firm, I thought it appropriate to write a brief note to inform you of True Wealth Design’s contingency plan in the event of my death or permanent disability.
We always strive to provide you and your family with financial peace of mind. We work hard to ensure that you feel confident to achieve your financial goals and provide financial security for yourself and your family. One of our roles as your advisor is to ensure that you will continue to receive quality advice for generations to come, regardless of what may happen to key employees and owners of the firm.
To help ensure such continuity, in 2014 I signed an agreement with another advisory firm that I believe is well suited to serve you if something unforeseen were to happen to me. This agreement has no immediate impact on you or on True Wealth Design. It is contingent upon my death or permanent disability and would be enacted if either occur.
My primary goals were to ensure both clients and employees of True Wealth Design were well taken care of without me. I spent significant time vetting firms to find one with a shared culture, service models, and investment philosophy. The firm also needed to have the capability and capacity to serve True Wealth Design’s growing client base. I felt that I was able to find a firm that met all of these requirements so much so that I have also advised my wife to seek counsel of this successor firm for her and my daughter’s financial planning needs in the event of my death or incapacitation.
Over the next few years, I envision True Wealth Design will have grown to a level where the business can continue without me, guided by multiple capable professionals, and no longer need an agreement with another firm. Until we comfortably get to that point, we will keep the contingent agreement in place.
So, while nothing changes for our clients today, we have done proper planning to ensure continuity. I do hope you are comforted by this news. We look forward to continuing our work together to help you achieve your financial goals and security today and in the future.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or desire for further discussion.
Very Truly Yours,
Kevin Kroskey, CFP®, MBA
Owner, President & Sr. Wealth Advisor
True Wealth Design, LLC

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