Ep 50: What To Do When Your Spending Goals Change After You Retire


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The Smart Take:

You cut the paycheck cord and enter retirement. Then a spending goal unexpectedly increases…significantly. You can’t simply continue to work longer, so what do you do?

Hear Kevin discuss real-life cases where clients had to provide financial support to their daughter going through a messy divorce and another situation where a client desired to buy a 2nd home. Though the situations were starkly different, the process to rework the retirement plan and evaluate tradeoffs was similar.

Life throws curveballs. Best to have a plan and process in place in advance on how to deal with them.

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4:18 – Client Story: Life Happens, Things Change

8:07 – Reworking The Plan For A Second Home

14:26 – Picking Up New Spending Goals

17:09 – Potentially Downsizing

18:12 – Taking A Second Look At Travel Expenses

20:14 – Providing Clarity

22:21 – Helping Clients Make Informed Decisions


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The Host:

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