Ep 21: The Story of Jane


The Smart Take:

Jane is in her mid-60s. She recently inherited money from her father and is soon to be getting remarried. She had two advisors – her own and now dad’s advisor – but didn’t have the clarity and confidence she felt she needed around her money and these big life transitions. Listen to Kevin share her story as she considered what she really wanted from a relationship with an advisor and wrestled with whether she had the type of financial situation to justify paying an advisor for help.

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Introduction:                     00:03                     Welcome to Retire Smarter with Kevin Kroskey. Find answers to your toughest questions and get educated about the financial world. It’s time to Retire Smarter.

Walter Storholt:                00:15                     Thanks for joining us for another edition of Retire Smarter. Great podcast for you on the way today as we seek to help you learn a little bit more about the financial landscape, about retirement and how you can make sure.

Walter Storholt:                00:26                     You’ve got the best plans in place possible. Walter Storholt here alongside Kevin Kroskey, he’s the President and Wealth Advisor at True Wealth Design serving you throughout Northeast Ohio with offices in Akron and it Canfield, but no matter where you are, you can find out about the team online at TrueWealthDesign.com again, that’s TrueWealthDesign.com and if you’re new to the show, don’t forget. If you’d like to ever have a conversation with one of the planners and one of the advisors on the True Wealth team, you can schedule a free 15-minute call with an advisor on the team at TrueWealthDesign.com Kevin, thanks for being with us once again, sir.

Walter Storholt:                00:59                     Great to talk to you. How are you?

Kevin Kroskey:                  01:01                     Walter, I’m well. I am well.

Kevin Kroskey:                  01:04                     Spring has sprung. It’s quite a bit of rain here and there but we’re getting some nice weather as well and it’s just filled with optimism in the future of summer down the road.

Walter Storholt:                01:12                     That’s fantastic. If I can share a fun quick story with you, I almost was worried I wouldn’t be able to host the podcast with you today due to hearing loss if you can believe it or not. Coming back from vacation, I suffered for the first time ever. I got this really severe pain in my ear and I lost, I’d probably say 90% to 95% of the hearing in one of my ears as the plane was landing, I could not like pop my ears. And so I got all this pressure and all of this pain all of a sudden and we ended up going to the urgent care, right? Like, welcome back from vacation and we’re now driving to the urgent care because we were worried about what it was and I had a Barotrauma apparently is what it’s called Barotrauma. And it’s something where you can’t pop your ears. And it was luckily a temporary thing. My hearing came back within about 48 hours or so, but it was really weird there for a little while. So I don’t know if you do a lot of flying back and forth to different spots across the country. Have you ever experienced anything like that?

Kevin Kroskey:                  02:07                     I have not, but my daughter did have swimmer’s ear a few weeks ago, which I think is similar. She woke up in the middle of the night screaming that her ear was in. You know, he just had a lot of pain in her ear and had some drops in popped. And now mom is in super mom mode just wanting to put these like plugs in her ear and you know, you better not jump under the water. And I’m like, mom, you can’t let her not be a kid. Come on. Right? It has not reoccurred much to everybody’s delight. But I think that’s the traditional role of mom and dad, right? Mom’s there. Mama bears protecting her and, and daddy says let her be a kid. So, it Balances out.

Walter Storholt:                02:57                     I just have to announce next time I to get on a plane and I’m going to be thinking to myself, okay, don’t let it happen this time. You know, I think it was the headphones and the noise-canceling was so good on the headphones. I didn’t realize that I needed to like be popping my ears during the flight and then all of a sudden I took them off and all that pressure was, was built up or something like that.

Kevin Kroskey:                  03:18                     Oh, take care of yourself, Walter. We are just building an audience here, buddy. I need you.

Walter Storholt:                03:22                     That’s right. You need me here on this show, right. We’ve got to be able to communicate back and forth or at least try and keep it easy to talk back and forth a little bit. Well enough about us. Let’s get into the conversation of today and we’ve got a fun show on the way because we’re going to be talking about somebody who actually met with Kevin, met with the team at True Wealth Design, what they experienced and kind of what forced them or caused them to come in and address some of the decisions that they’ve made in the past.

Walter Storholt:                03:47                     Kevin, I’m looking forward to this story because it’s kind of a, you know if we want to call it a second opinion, but this is somebody that seemed to have a financial solution, but then started to get a lot of question marks about that plan and sought some assistance from you. Tell us a little bit about it.

Kevin Kroskey:                  04:03                     Yeah, sure. Walter. So let’s call her Jane. So Jane reached out and just wanted to talk to us and when I spoke with her a couple of weeks ago, just getting to know her, just seeing what’s going on, why did she reach out? And I think what she was going through is something that a lot of people go through and sharing her story hopefully will be helpful for some of those people. Just to kind of make sense of some of the questions that they probably have any kind of compare and contrast advisers and why you might hire one and who might you want to look at hiring. But just to give a little context about Jane. So Jane’s mid-sixties, she is single, she is engaged to be married and she has some complexity going on there because it’s her second marriage and he has children from a different marriage, prior marriage and what have you.

Kevin Kroskey:                  04:58                     And you know, very common these days that that’s happening. But, but that wasn’t, in reality, the genesis for the call. What happened with Jane was her dad had passed the prior year and she inherited some money from dad, mom, and past prior to dad. And it was a good chunk of change. It was about a half a million dollars that she had inherited. And she was working with dad’s advisor. And in Jane’s words, she said, I just felt like a number and I didn’t feel like my number was big enough and I didn’t get much attention. And I think that’s really what caused her to, to reach out. But as I was talking with Jane some more, it turned out that she actually had another advisor as well. She was working with a person down at the local Edward Jones. And I had kind of a similar amount of money down there and had been working with that person for about 10 years.

Kevin Kroskey:                  05:49                     And so naturally the first question I asked her, I said, well, you know, if you got, I understand about dad’s advisor, but you know, why are you reaching out to me? And she said, well, you know, I just, I kind of feel like a number down there too. And I don’t really feel like I’m getting the planning. And she had your two advisors and did not really have any sort of clarity or peace of mind around what was going on and felt some frustration, you know, ultimately, I mean, she had her dad pass, you know, lost both her parents at this point and dad lived to be, you know, well into his nineties, and by all accounts from what I heard at have a fantastic life. But you know, she’s grieving the loss of her parents and now she has this complexity, has this money, has a good chunk of money.

Kevin Kroskey:                  06:31                     She still works, not because she has to, but, but she likes to and now she’s getting married as well and there’s, you know, prenup and kids from a different marriage and all kinds of stuff going on. So I don’t know if I would say that she was feeling overwhelmed, but she definitely did not have clarity around what was going on. And unfortunately, the people that she was working with, dad’s advisor as well as, you know, down at Edward Jones she just, for whatever reason, just didn’t find it there.

Walter Storholt:                07:00                     Almost like too many cooks in the kitchen kind of scenario leading to some unhappiness too.

Kevin Kroskey:                  07:05                     Yeah. You know, it’s, I would say two things. One, whenever, and this is kind of a bit of an aside, but you know, if you’re talking with your advisor or prospective advisor, ask them how many clients they have and frankly, and this kind of relates to how they get paid as well, but I’ll just give you some general industry information here.

Kevin Kroskey:                  07:25                     So I’ll study just a couple of months ago. Advisors that received the majority of their compensation directly from clients in the form of fees tend to spend two to three times the amount of time with the client compared to an advisor that receives a good portion of their money in commissions. And so the reason why that matters is the commissions, they typically are paid upfront and so they get more money day one and they don’t have as much of an incentive to go ahead and stick around and do the planning for the client and invest in that relationship. So that’s how Edward Jones works. I mean, I know some people at Edward Jones, they’re fine, they’re fine for what they do, but you know, I wouldn’t necessarily, in my opinion, call them a financial advisor, it’s similar almost to going down to the bank and you know, buying some class A-share mutual funds or Hey, we’ll just put you up in this money management platform, or Hey, I got this great fixed annuity sort of thing.

Kevin Kroskey:                  08:15                     And there’s really no planning. It’s more of a product sale. And to me, there’s nothing wrong with that, provided that, you know, the client knows that’s what it is and they’re not, it’s not being misconstrued for something more. So that’s one. So on the other hand, Walter, you mentioned, you know, having to money cooks in the kitchen. So there were people in the kitchen, I don’t even know if I would call them cooks necessarily. I don’t know. Maybe they were sous chefs or salad people or something like that. But nobody was really, there was no master chef, there was nobody that was in there that was organizing everything and ultimately responsible for the success of the dish. If you will. So, we know we started talking and Jane, she was a hard worker. He was a phenomenally interesting woman of being in the Peace Corps too.

Kevin Kroskey:                  09:03                     Speaking of chef, she was actually the Iron Chef in Scotland, so she was married to this man that apparently had done quite well or his family maybe had some family money, but literally she lived in Scotland for a period of time and she was not working. So she just took up cooking as a hobby. And low and behold she became the Iron Chef of Scotland. And I’m like, what a really, really cool story. You know, can you come over to my house and cook for me, please? So there was no cook in the kitchen. There was no Iron Chef in Jane’s financial kitchen if you will. But she had this opinion of herself, a very humble one and very admirable one in, in my opinion, that, you know, Hey, she didn’t feel like he had much money. She was getting this message, whether explicitly or implicitly from, you know, the other advisors, her dad, and the person down at Edward Jones, that she kind of felt like a number.

Kevin Kroskey:                  09:56                     So, you know, we have somebody that’s in the Peace Corps that kind of goes to their humbleness as well, I would think. And, and their idea of, you know, just service and what have you. But I mean, she had about a million dollars and so, I mean, she had a good chunk of change here and that was just hers. It didn’t include anything for her future husband, but she’s just like, you know, can I get a good advisor to help me out? I mean, is it even possible. Do I have enough money? And I assured her that she did. And, I apologize for the experience that she had. And I told her that I, I know that I’m probably going to have to repent for some sins that were made prior to our budding relationship here. But the other thing that she asked was, you know, not only do I have enough, but does it make sense for me to pay, you know, for an advisor.

Kevin Kroskey:                  10:40                     And so there were a lot of things that we started talking about. So I’ll just kind of unpack these over the rest of our conversation. I’ll talk about, you know, should I pay and you know, what can I expect? And then a couple of other things that were really important too. I asked her, you know, what are you doing with your dad’s advisor as well as down at Edward Jones investing wise. And he said, well, you know, the Edward Jones person has me in a growth portfolio and dad’s advisor has me in a moderate portfolio. And you know, those words sound good. I mean, they’re qualitative fine descriptors, but they really don’t tell me anything because you know, you can have somebody that says that they’re growth-oriented and talk to another person. It could be even, you know, a husband and wife, same household, but both spouses could have completely different interpretations of what that actually means.

Kevin Kroskey:                  11:31                     So, you know, what I shared with Jane was, you know, we really have to kind of, you know, back up a little bit, you know, before we start talking about, you know, how you should be investing, let’s sit down and figure out, well you know, how much money are you spending? She said, you know, I already have that. You know, I’ve been on a budget for a long time and I have that. So she sent that over to me and I took a look at and I said, this is great. I said, you know, now that you’ve received some money from dad and on top of the money that you worked hard to accumulate yourself, you obviously have some new potential here. And honestly, she hadn’t even thought about, you know, what that might mean. And here she’s getting into, you know, a new marriage as well and her future husband has a good chunk of change.

Kevin Kroskey:                  12:12                     And so, you know, she really needs to start thinking about some of these potentials about what the future may hold and what she could do, you know, in terms of experience with the money or she’s charitable as well and giving some of the money away. So she was really just starting to think about those things and those things tend to take some time to kind of wrestle with. But I just kind of took her down that path. And you know, we’re just really envisioning and understanding where she’s currently at but envisioning what the future is going to hold for her, what she wants it to hold, to have that intentionality in terms of creating her desired future. And I explained, I said, you know, then is really where we start measuring how productive your investments need to be certain measuring how much risk you can afford to take.

Kevin Kroskey:                  12:56                     And then lastly, really start talking about, you know, how much risk are you comfortable taking? And that’s really the comfortableness or the willingness to go ahead and take risks is really that softer side. It’s really where you start getting down into those adjectives, whether it’s growth or moderate or we don’t even prefer that, but we instead prefer again to measure it and then start talking about, well is that really comfortable? Does that really match up with your plan and the intentionality of the things that you want to do and are important to you? The whole idea about growth or moderate and these kinds of platitudes, it’s a regular conversation and one that I just wish, you know, as advisors, professional advisors could completely get away from it and talking with people because everybody’s different. Everybody’s a snowflake, you know those words mean different things to different people.

Kevin Kroskey:                  13:45                     So this is one place where math really does have to kind of come back into the picture and at least in a simple format, better encapsulate what that really means and help frame some expectations about, you know, potential expected gain as well as, Hey, you know, what might we have to go through on the not so good side to go head and hopefully get that gain over time. So Jane thought that that made sense. It surprisingly had never been described to her in that way. So we started talking about that and that’s where we kind of backed into and started talking about the big picture and the planning and then how the whole process kind of eventually leads to the investment decisions. But you really can’t start there. So the other things that Jane had asked about, and again it was really kind of coming at it from the standpoint of, Hey, I hadn’t been getting attention or advice from these other people that I’ve supposedly been working with.

Kevin Kroskey:                  14:38                     Am I worth it? And that was an easy one. We told her, you know, yes, I mean your one a very enjoyable person, you seem to really want help and we’re in the helping business and you’re just a lot of the other clients that we help. So it would be a good fit. So that was a relatively easy one. You know you don’t have to have, you know, tens of millions of dollars to work with a financial advisor. You know, different advisors work differently. Certainly, some may have minimums and things like that, but you should be able to ask a simple question of an advisor and say, you know, who do the people that you work with? Who’s the typical client that you serve? How many clients do you have? You know, is there a minimum? You know, what might that be? As a quick aside, you know, our firm minimums started simply $100 a month for investing only help and $200 a month for investing in planning help.

Kevin Kroskey:                  15:27                     Now we have a lot of clients that, you know, have, you know, several million dollars with us and others that are maybe they are young professionals who are starting out and don’t have a lot of money invested, but they still have some planning needs. So there are different advisors within our firm that will work with different groups of clients and serve them and serve them well. So again, just an important aside just to ask your advisor, you want somebody that can help you know, help you and work worked with people like you. So I think that’s a good starting point and you want to make sure that they don’t have too many clients and they’re really spending time with their clients now on the side of, Hey, does it make sense for me to go ahead and pay for financial advice? Well, I answered this in, in this way to Jane.

Kevin Kroskey:                  16:09                     I said, and I guess I should also mention, she said, you know, I’m paying a fee for my dad’s advisor and then I’m paying a, I pay commissions down at Edward Jones because I asked her how she was paying for her current relationships. And she also remarked, she’s like, you know, I thought about just going down to the bank because I have to go there anyway. But you know, I see a different person in there every few months and I don’t know if that’s really what I’m looking for. And she made the comment herself, she said, you know, usually, in life you kind of get what you pay for and it should be that way. It may not always be that way. But in general, I think just the way our system works with the way capitalism works, that’s kind of how things end up over time.

Kevin Kroskey:                  16:53                     The people that do better for you, you know, we got Amazon coming to our house almost on a daily basis because we got a low price and they make our life easy and you know, the money is flowed there along with a lot of other households over time. So, kind of a good example of that so to say. But Vanguard is a company that probably everybody’s familiar with. You know, they’re the, I think one of the largest mutual fund companies that are out there. Jack Bogle, who we mentioned in prior podcasts had passed away earlier this year and is really kind of regard is the father of indexing and kind of bringing more of a lower cost passive management approach to investing and Vanguard, great company, has a lot of done a lot of good. And I remarked to her, I said, you know what I mean, you could even work with Vanguard.

Kevin Kroskey:                  17:37                     And I said, but I know some people, I’ve interviewed people that have worked at Vanguard. There’s another company, TIAA, that works a lot and the teacher in nonprofit sectors and they have kind of an offering as well and these are call centers where people go into and you know you really don’t have a real relationship with somebody and that one advisor, it could be like a bullpen sort of approach. If you have a need and have a question on your retirement plan and it’s kind of you to know, well whoever picks up the phone is who you’re going to get or maybe the best case. You do have a dedicated advisor, you do have somebody, but you know my true story. Somebody at one of those firms that I interviewed with actually told me that they got reprimanded because they spent too much time on the phone with a client servicing them. They were supposed to keep the time on the phone to about 10 minutes or so and they were about three or four times over that and they were actually getting in trouble for spending too much time with their clients.

Kevin Kroskey:                  18:34                     On the phone. What do you think about that, Walter?

Walter Storholt:                18:36                     It seems a bit illogical, right?

Kevin Kroskey:                  18:39                     Yeah. I mean, it gets back to that idea that you get what you pay for. At least you should. And over time that’s going to average out and it’s typically going to be that way.

Walter Storholt:                18:46                     Or just being a number, right?[inaudible] Client number 475672 you’ve only got four minutes left, you know, please wrap up. That kind of thing.

Kevin Kroskey:                  18:55                     You know, and I’ll give you another example too. We have a client that she had money at Fidelity in their private client group. She had money in Schwab private client group, and she has money with us and there’s a bit of a backstory to it, but unfortunately, he was taking this approach of having a diversified advisor approach. It was a sad situation. She had lost her husband some years ago and he handled the finances and she not only had to pick up the pieces in many different ways but then had to go ahead and take responsibility for all the financial decisions.

Kevin Kroskey:                  19:26                     And she’s an incredibly smart woman and I don’t think she gives herself enough credit. But unfortunately, she was taken advantage of by some people in some different ways. And she just said, look, you know, I’m just not going to do that again. Or if it happens, at least it’s only happened on one piece of the money. But when we came to over the years, I’m a big believer in, you know, you go to the doctor and the doctor needs to know everything that’s good and bad and indifferent with you with we’re really going to give you good advice. You know you don’t go to one doctor for, you know, the left side of your body and the other, another doctor for the right side of your body or something like that. I mean, you need to have somebody that has that holistic viewpoint and be able to give you advice over everything.

Walter Storholt:                20:09                     That may be a really unique specialty though, wouldn’t it? I’m a doctor, but only on the right side, you know the last thing, right.

Kevin Kroskey:                  20:15                     But then it’s even trickier when it gets to the brain because it’s like the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. So where do you draw the line?

Walter Storholt:                20:21                     That’s right then it’s very important to make sure you’ve got, you know, two doctors that can talk to each other really well and that communication is that much more important.

Kevin Kroskey:                  20:31                     Yeah. And you know, of course, you have specialists and what have you, but you need a really good primary care physician. You need a good internal medicine doctor, what have you. But I digress, but she remarked in it, I mean this is a woman that has several millions of dollars and she’s got a good chunk of, you know, pretty much a couple of million dollars at each of those three I just mentioned.

Kevin Kroskey:                  20:48                     And you know, I told her, I said, you know, I completely understand what you’re dealing with in terms of your reasoning for doing what you’re doing and that I can’t imagine what she had gone through, but I said, eventually, you know, it’s going to be in your best interest to find somebody that is knowledgeable and that is trustworthy and that you can really kind of consolidate things with to a large extent or at least make sure that that person is looped in on everything. And so, I agreed to take some baby steps with her as long as we were moving forward. And we’ve done that over the years. It’s been, I don’t know, probably seven years now that we’ve been working together, and sometimes begrudgingly, but it’s continuing to grow. But last year she made a remark, she’s like, you know, you go into these places, and every two years, I have to explain my story to somebody new, because that same thing that you remarked on earlier, Walter, just that revolving door.

Kevin Kroskey:                  21:36                     And this isn’t somebody that has, you know, 20 grand down at the bank. This is somebody with a couple of million dollars in these private client groups for you know, these big firms that you know, that everybody’s familiar with. And so, you know the idea of getting what you pay for. Again, it’s not perfectly correlated. There are, you know, good, better and best advisors that are out there. Same thing with attorneys or accountants or doctors for that matter. But you really need to find somebody that’s knowledgeable and trustworthy and can go ahead and work and understand people like you and then work with you and then just have that gut open dialogue going forward to make sure that you’re getting where you want to go and making the most out of what you have. But kind of jumping around here a little bit, just to kind of bring it back home and wrap up the episode.

Kevin Kroskey:                  22:20                     So we were talking about Vanguard and Vanguard had done a study a few years ago called the value of advice and there’s basically an attempt to go ahead and quantify, Hey, does it make sense to pay a financial advisor? And with Vanguard came to the conclusion was, you know, if you follow what they call it, a wealth management framework, you’ll making good investment decisions, making good distribution decisions and pulling your money out of the accounts in retirement and having a wealth management approach and considering taxes that they came up with a number about 3% per year that an advisor, you know, on average should add to a relationship. And then they made an interesting comment that said, you know, even though that they should be able to do that over time, the benefits are lumpy, meaning that there’s going to be some years where a lot of value is added.

Kevin Kroskey:                  23:09                     And then other years where maybe not so much. And that’s kind of how life goes. You know, some years, you know, there’s, you know, you transition into retirement, there’s a lot of things that are going on, a lot of moving pieces and parts. And the cost of an error for a lot of people is pretty steep. You know you make irrevocable decisions on your pension and on your Social Security claiming decision and things like that. And so, you know, some of those, I guess, you know, high dollar points if you will, where the cost of the mistake is quite great. You know, a lot of value can be added and then, you know, life is kind of calm for a while, but then another wave comes in and so there are that constant ebb and flow. But I thought it was, I’ll often use that Vanguard story. There are similar studies from Morningstar and others that come up with a similar derivation of value, but Vanguard is really known as kind of a be it a do it yourself type investor place and for them to come out and do that work and do that research, I think it really speaks volumes about the value that a good advisor can bring to somebody over time.

Kevin Kroskey:                  24:08                     So, you know, on one hand, you have Jane that’s going out there and working with people that I’m sure they were nice enough people but they were really just selling a product. And you know, one had a relationship with dad and maybe that gentleman was doing the planning. I’m not sure. Maybe he didn’t meet her minimums or something like that because Jane had some siblings and ultimately the accounts were split. And so maybe, you know, dad had 1.5 million, but when they were split with the three girls, they were only 500,000 each. And so maybe they didn’t meet his minimum at that time to do the planning. I’m not sure, nor was she. But Edward Jones is a, it’s a different model and a, I mean you can read about them, but they don’t do planning. I mean it’s common that you know, one advisor that has 700 or 1000 I wouldn’t call them clients, but I call them customers.

Kevin Kroskey:                  24:52                     Or you can go to a Vanguard, which is great. You know, Vanguard, we use some of their investments, but you know, you go there, you go to TIAA CREF and you’re getting a call center. So, all these choices, I think none of them are inherently good or bad. It, it all depends on, you know, what somebody needs and what they’re willing to pay and are they going to get value commensurate with what they’re going to pay. And I think those are the questions that anybody that’s looking for advice that has the kind of questions that hopefully, we’re answering by tuning into the podcast. Those are the things that they should be thinking about.

Walter Storholt:                25:24                     Well, I know that you’ve had people, Kevin, you know, reach out to you after hearing a podcast and talk to you about some of the things that have been discussed on the program. Some of the different ways that maybe you can help them out with what they’re facing, what they’re going through, kind of with their own situations. Similar to what Jane, you know, had going on in her life and some of them, you know, it’s not, Oh, I’m in this dire need of, you know, I’m, I’m in financial ruin. I need a financial advisor that’s not, you know, obviously the target audience here. It’s, I’ve worked hard for these funds, for this money and I’ve tried to take good care of it, but I feel like I’m not getting the kind of advice, the kind of guidance that I should be getting for what I’m spending or just that I should be getting for, you know, having done such a good job taking care of my money all these years. How can I be a good steward of it through the rest of my life? And people have questions like that all the time. So, give us a peek behind the curtain of what happens if I’m listening to the show today and I want to talk to you more about my particular situation. You give us a great level of detail here on the program, but what it’s like in those next steps.

Kevin Kroskey:                  26:26                     Yeah, sure. So, if you just go to TrueWealthDesign.com there are all kinds of information that is on the website. If you’re looking for some more information, whether it’s about us or you know, just, you know, kind of in a similar vein to what the podcast is about. You know, you can just go there and check it out. We’ve been writing original content for 9 or 10 years now.

Kevin Kroskey:                  26:45                     So you can get an idea of you know, some more or work and get some more good suggestions there. But it also talks about the people that we work with. Again, if you’re tuning into the show, you kind of get a gist for that. But usually, people are seeking us out when they’re really getting serious about retiring planning. And if that’s you and if you have some questions and you’re looking for somebody to be that guide to see if there is a good fit for, you know, mutually beneficial ongoing relationship. Then there’s a little bit when you go to the website and just says, “are we right for you?” you can go ahead and click that button. Just tell us a little bit about yourself and any questions that you have. And then we’d be happy to set up that initial 15-minute call just to go ahead and answer those preliminary questions and see if we might be a good fit and go ahead and explore relationships. So usually those 15-minute calls may go a little bit longer because we’re kind of unpacking some things and kind of getting into a conversation. But it’s really just to go ahead and see if there’s a good fit to go ahead and set something up where we spend a little bit more time together, both spouses and what have you if you’re married, and then take it from there. And if we can help, we’ll let you know that we think we can help and here’s how, and if we don’t think we can help, then the worst case, we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.

Walter Storholt:                27:55                     So unlike what Jane experienced with the Oh, sorry, you’re at your, at your time limit, you know, we got to shut you off or what many people have had happened to them maybe before working with some of the big banks here.

Walter Storholt:                28:06                     You’re okay. Making it a little bit longer than 15 minutes if it needs to be.

Kevin Kroskey:                  28:11                     Yeah, we sure are. We’re in the helping business.

Walter Storholt:                28:13                     That’s right. If you want to get in touch again, that’s the easiest and probably the best way to do it. TrueWealthDesign.com and just look for that button that Kevin mentioned. “Are we right for you” and schedule your 15-minute call with an experienced advisor on the team. You can also ask Kevin your questions. Just look at the contact page here on TrueWealthDesign.com. You can find ways to get in touch or email the team as well. If you’ve got additional questions you want to talk about and of course you can always pick up the phone and call the old-fashioned way. (855) TWD-PLAN is the number that’s (855) TWD-PLAN, which all number version is (855) 893-7526. Kevin, thanks for telling us the story of Jane on it, today’s program and to how you guys were able to help her drill down into the important things about her portfolio and her financial future and we’ll look forward to some more great content on the next podcast.

Kevin Kroskey:                  29:03                     Thank you, Walter.

Walter Storholt:                29:04                     I appreciate it. That’s Kevin Kroskey. I’m Walter Storholt. Thanks for joining us. We’ll talk to you next time. Right-back here on Retire Smarter.

Disclaimer:                          29:17                     Information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment, tax or legal advice. Information is obtained from sources that are deemed to be reliable, but their accurateness and completeness cannot be guaranteed. All performance references historical and not an indication of future results. Benchmark indices are hypothetical and do not include any investment fees.


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